Together We Have Made Tampa Bay one of the Top Recycling Regions in Florida
Click on the logo to learn more about your local recycling program
Local governments across Tampa Bay have teamed up to improve recycling efforts in the region in this award-winning campaign. Recycling rules vary by jurisdiction based on collection and processing capabilities, so please check with your local recycling service provider to ensure you are recycling correctly and helping our region avoid the common challenge of contamination - attempting to recycle soiled items or materials our programs don't accept.
Whether you have been recycling for decades or just started, it's worth taking a second look to make sure you are recycling correctly. Recycling technology and processes change over time, so recycling program rules change, too.
Recycling program guidelines can be slightly different depending on where you work, live, and play in Tampa Bay. It's important you know before you throw. Check with your local community to see what is accepted in your recycling program. Remember to keep accepted recyclables clean, dry, and not bagged before placing them in recycling carts or at drop-off centers.
Plastic bags and bagged items don’t belong in curbside recycling or drop-off programs. Plastic bags get
tangled in recycling sorting equipment and can shut down the recycling facility, which puts workers at
risk to remove them.
Plastic bags and film can be recycled at participating stores. If you cannot reuse plastic bags or
return them to stores, place them in the garbage.
Utilizing reusable bags is more eco-friendly than getting
single-use plastic bags when shopping. Plastic bags can only
be recycled at participating retailers. If you can't return
bags to store locations, it's okay to throw them away in the
garbage since all four governments use Waste-to-Energy
facilities for trash disposal – turning garbage into renewable
Contamination happens when unaccepted items are placed in the recycling bin. Contamination is any item
not accepted in your recycling program, such as plastic bags and bagged recycling, foam packaging
products, and food waste. When too many wrong items are collected, equipment can be damaged or entire
truckloads of recyclables can be disposed of, raising recycling costs for everyone. When in doubt, leave
it out!
Because rechargeable and lithium batteries can explode when compressed and start a fire, they should be
properly disposed of at drop-off locations. Proper disposal of these batteries helps keep employees safe
and benefits the environment.
Alkaline batteries including A, AA, AAA, C, D, and 9-volt batteries can be disposed of in curbside
trash carts but should never be placed in recycling carts.
Check your local provider for battery disposal guidelines and locations:
As Tampa Bay continues to grow, so does the amount of waste generated. Due to the limited landfill disposal capacity and stress on the waste-to-energy facilities, reducing waste and recycling is more important than ever. By recycling, you help Tampa Bay communities save resources and energy, support local economies, and protect the environment.
Not everything can be recycled, so do more with less! Switch to reusable items and reduce your use of single-use plastics. Reducing waste saves money and helps the environment. Be part of the solution to plastic pollution, learn about and support local businesses who are cutting waste, and join Reduce Your Use Tampa Bay!